So I know that it has been awhile since I have posted on my blog, July has been a super busy month with Jr High camp and a Denver Mission Trip (both trips will be on the blog soon, just have to sort through all the pictures haha)
However, before the trips, I was able to spend time with family celebrating the 4th of July. This was the first 4th that I have gotten to celebrate with family in about 4 years. Usually I am away on Mission trips or at a camp, but this year neither of those fell on the first week of July :) It was nice to be able to relax and just have fun!!
We went to Junction City and drove to Milford lake to enjoy a nice picnic dinner, then after we ate we went into town where there is a spot by an intersection where everyone goes to shoot off their fireworks and then we all watch the big city fireworks! It was a BLAST! My brother-in-law is a youth pastor in JC and for a youth fundraiser they have a firework tent. It's at a great location because it's right on the corner of the intersection where everyone goes to shoot off their fireworks. It was great seeing my bro-in-law (Eli) in action. After we watched the big city fireworks we went to a parking lot and shot off our own fireworks, where my husband and Eli had a roman candle war. Lets just say, Ben ended up where one of the roman candles won in the war haha. Don't worry, after he cleaned it up and showered, it looked a lot better than what it did in this picture. No series injuries.
It was great to be with family and to be able to celebrate our Freedom in this Country and to remember all those who fought and still fight and sacrifice to make this country Free!
Here are just a few pictures of our awesome day!
Some mobile upload shots that I took :)
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are your classic chocolate chip
cookie with a nutty browned butter flavor and little specs of sea salt
4 days ago
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