Yep, you guessed it, it's yet another time to post pic's of things that I love :) I have some pretty amazing friends (just saying) and before I moved to Salina we would have "country nights". A time during the week where we could just get away from the city and drive. We would usually go south from Wichita or SE or SW. We would just drive and drive till we decided to stop. The start of country night was with Jelly and I, we were in religion classes together at Friends U. and after I graduated we both missed having those deep questions and discussions about God and life, so we decided to drive in the country ( a place that we both love) and talk about life and God and our future. Wow the talks we have had. It's been amazing getting to know Jelly and myself on our outings. I loved the times where we would drive so far into the country and we would park and turn off the car, get out and just look up and the amount of stars you could see was incredible. We would be so far out that our ears would ring because of the silence. It's incredible that my ears are so used to noise ALL THE TIME that when I drive away from the noise my ears ring because it's an unusual sound for them. It's just incredible. It wasn't until later that we added Jackie to our country nights and it's been a great addition. We have so much fun together, talking about life, and laughing.
Now that we are all grown up (which is stupid haha) Jackie now lives in Minnesota, I live in Salina, and Jelly lives in Wichita, we don't get to have our "country nights" :(
However whenever all 3 of us are in town we try to get together for a epic night of awesomeness. :) The other weekend we were able to have a MUCH NEEDED country night. This usually starts out with a trip to Dairy Queen or the local gas station for something to eat and drink and then our adventure begins. The bridge we go to has been a spot we go to frequently, it was the spot where we all said our "goodbye's" before we all moved away, and yet this bridge brings us back together like no time has passed at all when we are back here. :) I love these girls and would do anything for them! As we were talking and having fun, the beauty and the sunset was so incredible that I had to capture some scenes :)
To my awesome best friends, I miss you girls and love you like crazy! Until next time.... :)


So I just wanted to get my camera out today and take some pictures. Ya know, do some practicing of different things! So I decided to take some pic's of a few fun items in my house.

This is my little baby Yahzi! She is my little best friend, and keeps me company when Ben isn't home. She also doesn't like her picture taken. I was trying to point the camera at her and she would dart in the other room. Apparently she doesn't like things being pointed at her haha, and the shutter scared her when I would try and snap a pic. So I'm really not sure how I captured this one. 

These 2 words are so powerful "I do" or "I will" are in the vows that I said to Ben on our wedding day, they are also the words that I said to my Lord and Savior when I gave Him full control of my life! "I WILL" go and follow wherever He leads, and "I will DO" what he commands of me! These 2 words might be small, but have such a strong meaning in my life! 

This is my Grad/Wedding announcement Calendar! Being a youth pastor, I have LOTS of Grad parties to go to and needed to put them somewhere, where I wouldn't forget. :) I also have more at my office !! 

This was a printable that I got online and put in a frame! 

This is my favorite Candle of all time!! Cedar and Pine are my two favorite smells. So one day Ben and I were in Lawrence and we found a candle shop and they had this Cedar candle in Ben bought it for me!! I never want to burn it because I don't want it to ever be gone haha. 

Flowers on my coffee table... great decor as we bring in the Spring! 

This is probably one of my most favorite pictures! 

This was actually my wedding bouquet.. made by none other than my Mom herself. She ordered all the flowers and then hand put them all together! She is just awesome like that!! It was amazing having her make it for me because it means so much to me besides just being a wedding bouquet... and I getta keep it forever! 

Our ceremony sand

My brother Matt is really good with woodwork and he makes so many awesome things as a hobby.. so he made this for Ben and I as wedding decor and then we got to take it home as our wedding gift. He is super talented and he definitely knows me well with the style that he used :) 

And that's all!! Just some practice pictures!!


I had the privilege the other evening to meet one of my students at a park before her Prom and to take some pictures of her and her man. Nicollette is one amazing girl, her and I are a lot alike in things that we like and don't like. She was actually on the search committee on First Covenant Church when they were searching for someone to fill the spot that I have now filled!! So Nicollette knew a lot about me before anyone else did :) She is an incredible girl, and loves the Lord!! She has a loving heart and she is gorgeous on the inside and out. Thanks Nicollette for letting me take some pictures of your fun evening! Can't wait for SENIOR year !!;)