Jacie Marcotte Senior {Sneak Peek}

Evan Senior {Sneak Peeks}

The Stewart's have a new addition to the family

Johanson Family {sneak peek}

Natalie Froetschner Senior {sneak peeks}

PJ & S'mores Day

We love Fridays because that's when Mommy has off from work, and we tend to just stay in our PJ's all day! And since yesterday was National S'more day and we missed a photo opportunity, we figured why not celebrate S'more day today!! :) This little girl is the best! I love my days off with her! Happy Friday!! 

Mikkelson Family {sneak peek}

Baby Berkley is here !!!

I am so excited to be an aunt to this sweet little girl! We were able to go up to the hospital yesterday to see her and the family, and she is just beautiful! Creighton (the big brother) is so proud and loves his little sister so much already! Here are a few pictures from our time with them yesterday. Enjoy!!! 

Lenae Gillis Senior {Sneak Peek}