My Sister-in-law (Ashley) loves Joanna Gaines, and the show "Fixer Upper". So for Ashley's birthday, her two sisters (Jess and Megan), her daughter Berkley, her Mom and Ember and I, thought it would be awesome to take a girls road trip down to Waco, TX for Ash's birthday. That's exactly what we did. I do have a confession to make before I continue this story. I had never seen the "Fixer Upper" show. I know, I know, it's like I have been living under a rock! We don't have TV, so I had never seen the show, and I didn't know it was on Netflix. However (nothing against the show), it's just not in the genre of shows that I usually watch, when I DO watch Netflix. Needless to say, I had NO IDEA what to expect when we got there.
We went in February, just in between seasons. Ember and I drove down a day early so we could spend some time visiting my brother and his wife for a bit, before meeting up with the rest of the girls the next day. It rained that morning and sprinkle in the afternoon the day that we went to the Silos, but as you will see in some of the pictures of Ember further down in the post, we didn't let puddles get in our way.
As Ember and I were going to the food truck area to get something to eat, I noticed that we were dodging some pretty big puddles in order to get over to the food trucks. I had two options. I could take Ember out of the stroller and carry her to the trucks, hold her in the long line, and try to grab the food without spilling everything; OR I could take her shoes and socks off, and let her stomp in the mud/water puddles as we walked to the food truck. I chose the latter. I knew she would love to stomp in the water, and who cares if her clothes got dirty. We had an extra pair in the car. As we walked hand in hand, I took her over to the mud puddle and told her to stomp away, she looked up at me and smiled, and then had the time of her life. I mean, who doesn't like stomping in puddles? It's the absolute best, and everyone needs to try it next time it rains! After a while of stomping in the puddles, I noticed that we had 50 people (no joke) standing around watching her splash and play in the water. It was so funny to see people point and smile at Ember. It was as if no-one had ever seen a child play in the puddles before. I gotta say, it was a proud Mom moment. I love that Ember loves being in nature, she loves getting dirty, and just playing. It's the best seeing her face light up with something as simple as stomping in the water.
It was a great girls trip, short, but so fun. We stayed in an AirBNB (which was a tiny house, my new favorite obsession) and we ended up watching an episode of "Fixer Upper", so I could say that I had at least seen one episode. There were lots of laughs, and memories made, and now I can say that I have officially been to the Magnolia Silos and that I actually know what that means.

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