I was so excited when I heard my brother (Marcus) was coming up to my house for the weekend!!! It's so great being able to hang out with him!!! While Ben was at work, Marcus and I decided to go to Ottawa lake and relax. It was a bit chilly when we got there, because the clouds had rolled in and the breeze off the lake made it a bit more brisk. However, we had a great time... AND found the perfect spot to hang up the hammock!!! I mean, I don't think we could have found a better place. It was funny because when Marcus laid down in it, he almost didn't fit because he is sooo tall. I had to laugh to myself :) 
So, the pictures below are just from our sibling bonding time today while at the lake that I just wanted to share with y'all :) Now, go find a family member and just spend some time with them :) U never know what adventure awaits ya :) 

My perfect Hammock spot!!! 

Even little Yahzi came with us to the lake. She ran around for a bit, but then had to Burrow, because she was getting cold haha. And her FAVORITE place to burrow is in my hoodie. 

He was almost to tall for the Hammock :) 

I decided to walk to the end of the pier and take some pictures of the water :) and of course I look back, and Marcus is trying to swing himself in the Hammock haha. When I came back, he asked if I would push him. Haha oh Marcus!!! 

This was a neat path we drive down, and it was crazy because everything was brown except for this evergreen tree :) just looked kinda cool so of course I had to take a picture :) 

This was a tree that we saw at the entrance of the pier, where we parked. I think this tree has seen better days. 

On our way home, the dark storm clouds broke for just a bit and you could see the blue sky. It was beautiful!! 

And that does it for our Sibling adventure :) We had a BLAST!!!:) 

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