Congrats to everyone finishing another year of school!! As I was getting ready for the day yesterday, I wanted to do something sporadic and fun for my youth girls, so I figured, why not invite all the girls over for some S'mores and Popcorn & Movie night! (side note: some of my youth aren't done with school till Friday so we celebrated with them early ;) 
We had a great time laughing, waving at trains, sitting by the fire, roasting mallows & making S'mores, popping popcorn and watching a movie. It was a very relaxing time to hang out and celebrate the beginning of an incredible summer (even though the weather didn't feel like summer haha) 
It also made my heart extremely happy to see that we had girls from high school & middle school there laughing with each other and bonding together. I love seeing these older girls investing in the younger ones and making them feel like they are special and loved! I love when I get to see Christ in my youth!!!!! THIS is why I love my "job" so much! 
For those who couldn't make it last night, don't worry, we will have plenty of other sporadic nights at my house :) (* Also we are missing a few ladies in our group picture, sorry ladies. We will get ya in on the next one!) Also, a thanks to my husband Ben for making the fire for us ! :) You are the best babe! 

My favorite Root Beer of all time !! 

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