My husband and I traveled up to KC about a week ago for Christmas with his parent's and sisters and brother-in-law, and we had a blast. We always love getting away to see family. Family is so important to us, and both of us are close to our siblings, as well as each others siblings so we absolutely LOVE spending time with them.
The day before we left for KC it snowed here in Salina about 9 inches!! (We LOVE snow*), and it snowed in KC about 4 inches. So we definitely had a winter wonderland.
The next morning we woke up and my sister-in-law wanted me to take pictures of her and her husband because snow was on the ground, AND it was SNOWING!!! It was gorgeous! Behind my in-laws house in a forest area so we definitely wanted to get some pictures back in there. So what did I do? I told Ben (my husband) to get his coat because him and I are taking pictures too! :) It's not every day that you get a photo op like this, so I had to take advantage.
My sister-in-law is also a photographer/interior designer and is incredible at both. She also has a blog which is called which you should definitely go check out some of her awesome work.
It was great to be able to take their pictures and then have her turn around and take pictures for Ben and I :) It's also not a complete photo experience without my mother-in-law (Sheryl) there also. She also loves photography & has been taking pictures I'm pretty sure since Ben was born haha. So it was great to get a picture with all of us girls!!
Once we had the pictures taken, I went inside and started to edit them haha. I can't help it, I just love making a picture the best it can be! So anyway, enough of me blabbing, here are some of my favorite pictures that we took that day.
Karlie is the most adorable little girl & was so precious when taking her 1 year baby pictures. Ashley (her mom) contacted me awhile ago about taking pictures for her daughter, so I had been looking forward to this date for awhile. It was my first baby session and I was super excited. It was great to be able to spend the morning with Ashley, her husband (Lee), and their baby girl. Ashely and I grew up together & went to high school together, & it was actually Ashley's mom who took my senior pictures way back when. So it was a honor to take little Karlie's pictures.
We were hoping that the weather was going to be good for us to take outside pictures, but as Kansas weather goes, it was pretty chilly, so we decided to do inside pictures. Now since I don't have a studio I called up my mom and asked if I could borrow her front room for a baby photo session :) She is awesome and gladly let me decorate the room for this special occasion. So I loaded up my vehicle with all of my photo props and headed down to Wichita. We had a blast. Little Karlie did great, with some help from puff puffs ;) Ashley had many different outfits for her and they were just adorable (however Karlie didn't like the outfit change so much haha), but in the end, Karlie was able to just go for it as she smashed her birthday cake. It was precious watching her eat it and just stuff her face. She also was limber and decided to try putting her foot in there also to see how it felt I suppose. :) We had a great time, full of fun and laughs. Thanks Ash and Lee for letting me take Karlie's baby pictures, I had so much fun. Enjoy this little girls pictures!