I absolutely love being outdoors. When I was a little kid, that's all my brothers and I would do, was go outside and play, or explore new places. And at the age of 27 I still absolutely love to explore. My husband and I sometimes will take afternoon drives out into the country or to small surrounding town to try and see if we can discover new places that we think are interesting. About a month ago (yeah this is really late getting on the blog haha) we went and decided to drive around on a Sunday afternoon. We found this amazing river (that actually reminds me a lot of our favorite place in Arkansas) that was just beautiful and relaxing. The sound of water over rocks is such a peaceful sound. A hour or so later, we found a lake (now sure why we just now found it, but we are glad that we did). It was beautiful. I was able to capture an amazing sunset, one that I haven't seen like that in a long time (and that says something seeing as how Kansas has some pretty awesome sunsets). I was just in awe of the beauty of what God had created. Nature is my comfort place. It's where I go to get away and to think. I absolutely LOVE the mountains and just hiking and noticing the smells, sounds, and scenery. However since we do not have mountains in Kansas, my other favorite place to go is nature in the country. Driving down country dirt roads gives me a sense of freedom, and overwhelming blessing. I can't explain the calmness I experience when I am out in nature, and able to see all that God has designed. I serve an incredible God!! :) Enjoy some of these nature pictures, and may it remind you of the beauty that God designed for you, and his love that he has for you.

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