I am one lucky lady! Not only do I get to spend time with my youth, and go on trips, but I get to capture the fun moments on camera as well, from laughing, to wipeouts, to snowball fights, to going down the mountain.
This past February we took some youth out to El Dora Ski Resort in Colorado. This was our first time going in February (in the past we have usually gone over Spring Break) but we thought maybe we would get better snow if we went earlier. And let me tell you, the snow was perfect!!! It snowed from the time we got there to the time that we left. It was just beautiful!
We took 16 students and 4 adults on our AMPED trip. We left on a Thursday, drove all day, and then Fri-Sat we skied/snowboarded, and then left to come home on Sunday.
It was incredible being able to hang out with these students.
The majority of the youth skied, but on the second day a few decided to try out snowboarding. And to our surprise they all did incredibly well (WAY better then I did my first time boarding haha). We also had many students who had never skied before and it was incredible to watch the students who were good, come alongside and help those who were struggling. By the end of the first day everyone( including the beginners, were going down the mountain) There is something inside of me that just gets all excited and happy when I see students helping each other out. One of the incredible things that I love about my job, the things that I get to see and witness.
During the day we were busy skiing and boarding on the mountain, and in the evenings we gathered together for Worship (led by Dom & Hannah) and then Stephen and I tag teamed messages. We talked about how to live and have a "Upside Down Faith". Meaning how to live your life, Upside Down for Christ. Doing what he says instead of following the "norm" of what the world says. It was just a great time to be in Scripture together.
I truly do love my job, I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. I love investing in students lives, and showing them Christ's love. I love seeing those moments when they "get it" and when I get to see Christ inside them. It really is an incredible thing, and all the glory goes to God, because no matter what he is ALWAYS at work!!!
We had a great time on the trip and I hope you enjoy looking at these pictures! If you want to look at the pictures with music in the background you can go to my Facebook page and watch the slideshow :)
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are your classic chocolate chip
cookie with a nutty browned butter flavor and little specs of sea salt
4 days ago
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