So the other weekend my husband and I had a little extra money in our gas envelope (thanks Dave Ramsey) so we decided to take a day and go explore some lakes that Ben found. It was an amazing day as we started out the trip with Starbucks and some donuts.

We headed to our first stop which was Lake Kanopolis... BUT on route to our first destination we saw a sign that said "Mushroom Rock park" so we decided to take a small detour...
Yahzi loved riding on my lap and looking out the window...
Ben is such a romantic :)
So for those of you who know my husband and I, you know that we LOVE to go off-roading.. sadly this lake didn't like our kind of hobby haha. Ben was a little sad.
We finally found the beach part of the lake and we got out and took some pictures. It was beautiful, and the sound of the waves was so peaceful. I just wish that it was a bit warmer and summer so I could stay out there all day!
Even Yahzi loved the beach !!
I told Ben that I wanted to practice taking pictures so I wanted him to stand there and smile and the next few pictures is what i got from him :)
So as we were walking along the beach, Ben found a "bowl" rock. Needless to say it's now sitting in our bathroom and houses my rings when I need to take them off.
So on our way to Lake Wilson as we were driving through a town we found this massive Egg. Dunno why it was there, but I decided to take a pictures of it because...well... it's big.
After we explored Lake Kanopolis for awhile, we then headed further West to Lake Wilson. Again, I was blown away at how this was in Kansas. I mean the water was so blue and pretty clear for being Kansas water. I was thinking it was going to be brown water haha but I was wrong. It was just beautiful.
We decided to take some time out and eat lunch by the water. It was a bit windy so we had a picnic in the xterra.
After lunch we decided to take some pictures by the water...ok so maybe it was more "I" wanted to take pictures by the water :)
such a handsome man :)
our trusty companion on our explorations :)
The rocks were gorgeous and we found many shapes and caves while we were exploring.
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There was a varmint in the cave!!!
Gotta love his facial expressions for pictures, I never know what I'm gonna get with this man haha
So I know that these pictures are of rocks...but I just couldn't help myself. I couldn't believe that these were in Kansas, and they were so beautiful that I just couldn't pass up the opportunity. :) I tried to get different angels so that way it wouldn't be the same things over and over ;)
So I'm taking my brothers wedding pictures and so as we had stopped for a bit I decided to try out some ring pictures :) Plus I love my ring, so I figured "why not" ;)
So as we kept walking on different paths, we kept finding more and more great views of this gorgeous lake.
I was blown away at how clear this lake was
Ben was sun bathing while we were at one of our stops. It was so peaceful in the middle of nowhere.
this was one of the views out in the middle of nowhere !
Yahzi loved the sunbathing as well, until she hears a animal in the brush and then her ears perked up and she was on alert haha
Another awesome part of Lake Wilson
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So on our way home, we were passing the windmill farms and found a mound to climb. (it was the closest thing to the CO mountains as we could get haha)
On top of the mound it was beautiful
There is the little xterra...all alone
So to end a GREAT and Adventurous Date Day we decided to cook out since it was so nice. Ben grilled Burgers while I went to the store to grab some chips.

And of course what's a dinner on the grill outside without S'mores for Dessert!!! :) I was super excited. So we have these mallows that are flat, used to help better make s'mores i suppose. Anyway, Ben had never seen them before and he was so confused on how to roast these mallows. So I had to show him :)
Bless his heart... gotta love him.
And finally ME getting to enjoy my delicious s'more after a great day with the man of my dreams and some great Kansas treasured views.
Thanks for taking some time to view ALL the pictures haha. I hope that you were able to enjoy the great hidden treasures of Kansas as we did. Who knew?? :)
Until the next adventure....
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