Eli Beery Senior Pictures {Teaser}

So the other day I had the privilege of taking one of my youth out for his Sr picture photo shoot. It was great to hang out with Eli and to chat about some of the things that he enjoys, as well as what he wants to do for College. He is a great guy, and quite the drama performer!! He was a natural in front of the camera, which made my job super easy.
Here are a few pictures from his photo shoot the other day. (the rest will be up later after his Graduation Party that way you all don't see ALL of the pictures and his mom can show them for his party) Thanks Eli for hanging out with me and for letting me take your Sr pictures!!

1 comment

  1. Seriously handsome great nephew, that's Eli! Proud of all your accomplishments, Eli! You have a great future and this great-aunt's prayers are with you all the way!
