Here is the view that I woke up to the morning of the Lock-In. I absolutely LOVE waking up to snow on the ground!! One of the best feelings in the world!! Now time to get ready to go shopping!!!
Ben (my husband) on our way to SAMS to get all the goodies!!! We had to make a few pit stops to do some drifting in the snow. I got some footage of us drifting but It wouldn't upload :(
With over 100+ students we knew that they were going to need some food throughout the night, so my husband (who is completely amazing for staying by my side and helping me through all of this) and I went and got fruit, chips, soda, candy, fruit snacks, cookies, and then breakfast food such as banana nut bread, variety pack of pre-cut breads, pastries, donuts, and fruit. Not including the 58 pizza's from Papa Johns that we had at 10:00pm for dinner.
It was a long morning... here is the view of us with just our 1st trip through the check out line....
These 2 carts doesn't include all the breakfast food that we still had to buy, so Ben and I decided to buy this and load it up in the Xterra first, and if we had room, then we would come back in and get the rest of the food. Thankfully it all fit in the Xterra, so we went back inside for more :) Here is a pic of ALL the food that we got, (not including the 2 Liter bottles of soda we still had to get)
I was very glad that I had my snow boots to wear.. they kept my feet nice and warm :)
Here is our Lock-In Schedule... it worked out great for our group. And most importantly we had a salvation message!! That was what our focal point was for the evening. We wanted this to be an outreach event that students were able to come together and celebrate the New Year, but also to take a look on their own lives, whether it was 2012 or looking forward to 2013 and seeing what you are going to do with this life that you have? And are you going to live it for Christ? Norm Jennings did such a great job of delivering the message that God wanted us to hear through Him.

Our Main Event (High school) Praise Band did such a great job leading us all into worship and into the presence of the Jesus!!! Great job you guy's, and than you!!
Norm Jennings giving us God's word! Such a powerful message!
The Sr High was a little out numbered last night, so they chilled in one of the rooms for a bit and played spoons, and listened to music. They are a great group of students!!
I am so so so blessed to be serving My Lord and Savior as well as these students. I absolutely LOVE being a youth pastor and wouldn't have it any other way! It was so fun to be able to hang out with students and to help them make some memories that hopefully they will keep forever. Thanks to everyone who helped with the Lock-In, all the adults who took the time to come up and either help for a few hrs or stay all night! Couldn't have done it without ya.
Now after a few hrs of sleep, I'm drinking a cup of hot coffee, and blogging about my amazing experience that I had last night with some amazing people.
I hope everyone has a great and happy New Years Day!!! May God bless you all as we enter into the year of 2013... I'm so excited to see what He will be doing through His people!!!!
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