Well as many of you have read in the previous blog, I recently had a New Years Lock-In with my youth. And it was at this fun little lock-in that I caught something and have been sick (and getting worse) ever since. I'm not sure about where you live, but here in the school's (and even at church's apparently) haha there is a bug going around that is a mix between different types of flu, as well as sinus stuff.
On Lock-In night I felt bad, but not horrible, after staying up all night my symptoms got worse, and I'm on day 3 and feel awful. My husband has had this for over a week, going on 2 I believe. I think I got some of the crud from him, and then more of it from the students. Ben (my husband) and my symptoms are somewhat the same, but yet we each have something different that hurts or is bothering us.
Going on 3 days of this and I was already tired of it, so i went to the Dr this morning. I have the best Dr. ever!!!! He gave me some antibiotics and some advice on how to get better. I also called my mom and got some advice from her, to see if there were any wives tales that she knew of, and sure enough she did. !!
Now I know that not many of you care that I'm sick, and probably would rather NOT read about it, but I thought that maybe if you yourself were feeling under the weather and had some of the symptoms that I have then here is a picture that will get you feeling better in no time!!!
SYMPTOMS: itchy/sore throat, congestion, drainage, achy body, voice is scratchy, coughing, etc...
What's in the Pic? Well I'm glad you asked!! The first thing to do is to make sure that you rest and drink LOTS and I mean LOTS of water. (i'm still working on this one, it's on of the hardest things for me to do to relax and lay down) Halls for the coughing and sore throat, Orange because Vitamin C is always good for you, Allergy Capsules (off brand of Benadryl) & Allergy&Congestion Relief (off brand of Claritin D) is what the Dr told me to take along with my antibiotics, Motrin or Tylenol for the achy body, NeilMed sinus rinse helps drain your nasal passages, and my mom told me to take a spoonful of honey and it helps with coughing (I did it and it actually worked), then you have your good ol chicken noodle soup, which everyone knows is the BEST food to eat when you are sick!!! Now if only my mom could come to my house and take care of me :)
All of these items you can get at your local grocery store!! (The Clariton D or Allergry & congestion relief you will have to buy over the counter) So this is my life on Meds and Chicken noodle soup. Hopefully I won't livin this life long, because i don't like being sick :(
However I did purchase a great photography reading online book that I am hoping will pass by the hrs that I am on the couch. :)
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are your classic chocolate chip
cookie with a nutty browned butter flavor and little specs of sea salt
4 days ago
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