I was so blessed and honored to be able to take my brothers wedding pictures for him and his wife Jaimie! It was a gorgeous wedding, and I love looking at these pictures and re-living that day all over again.
This was my first outdoor wedding to take pictures for, and it was so fun to be in natural lighting, and use nature for so many backdrops during the ceremony, and before the ceremony.
It was a beautiful day, except for one thing. The wind was CRAZY! We had to tie some things down and add some shelter walls of the tents so the cake wouldn't blow over, and the plastic white chairs kept having a domino effect and falling over while people were trying to sit. However Jaimie was an amazing bride and just went with the flow, because at the end of the day she was going to marry the man of her dreams and you could tell that was all that she cared about :)
(In some of the pictures you can't even tell that it was crazy windy, so that was a plus)
I am so glad that my brother found the love of his life! As I was taking pictures of their wedding, I had to hide behind my camera at times because I would tear up, but then I couldn't see through my camera to take the picture. :) They were happy tears of course, because they are perfect for each other, and i'm just so happy for the both of them!
Matt & Jaimie were high school sweet hearts and it's been so fun watching them grow as individuals and as a couple. I am so glad that I have now gained another sister!
Along with me as a photographer was my sister-in-law Ashley Stewart. She has her own photography business and was more than willing to come and be my second shooter for the day. She is awesome.(http://www.ashleyelizabethphotographyblog.blogspot.com)
Matt & Jaimie, thanks for letting me be apart of your big day! I love you guy's so much!
(Just a little Fun Fact, my brother made this box that held their rings.)
I love my family so much & am so glad they are my best friends
love my brothers to death

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