If you don't know by now, my husband and I love nature, and exploring. We woke up yesterday and he said "what adventure do you want to go on today?" After thinking about it for a bit, I said "Let's go to Wilson Lake and explore." And that's exactly what we did.
It was a gorgeous day, a little to toasty for Fall, but none the less it was gorgeous. I can't tell you how incredible the water, and these rock formations are!
I also, somewhat "faced" my fear and took a picture of a Spider (we think it's a garden spider, but we aren't completely sure) After I took the picture however I ran very quickly to the car :) (plus I saw another one of those spiders on the ground by my feet which might have helped my get-up and go :)
I loved capturing the colors, and even the little friends we made along the way. I was super excited when I found a tree that was starting to change colors for Fall the yellows and greens just amazing! I can't wait to capture Fall colors this year!!!
Now, go outside and have an adventure of your own! You will be surprised what you find!
This is the front of the spider
...and the backside of the spider. Either way GROSSSS!!!!
Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Brown Butter Chocolate Chip Cookies are your classic chocolate chip
cookie with a nutty browned butter flavor and little specs of sea salt
4 days ago
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